0C623B 0D9F61 121413 3A3345 5B6469 F2A287 FEE8D3 FFFEFF

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skyey Eye 1

Posted by
amirreza (tehran, Iran) on 10 May 2009 in Lifestyle & Culture and Portfolio.

یادواره شهدای اطلاعات عملیات دفاع مقدس
remembrance of Iran–Iraq Imposed War's Martyrs

Canon EOS 50D 1/20 second F/5.6 ISO 800 90 mm

i would be glad if you can give me your opinion about my pictures on my photo blog
thanx for visiting;)
خوشحال ميشم اگه نظرتون رو در مورد عكس هام در فتو بلاگم بگید
ممنون از بازدیدتون;)

Pavan Kaul from Mumbai, India

Nice composition with the subject and his shadow.

10 May 2009 8:13am

@Pavan Kaul: thanx

-C16H25NØ2- from Persia, Iran

oh oh :D
moody shot

10 May 2009 9:14am

Don from spokane, United States

I like this more general shot that includes the shadow on the curtain behind. Very strong picture. A close up of the speaker would be the normal thing to do, but this strikes me as much more creative. Well done.

10 May 2009 1:31pm

@Don: thanx

Saeed Rasoulof from Tehran, Iran

عکس خوبیه

10 May 2009 2:14pm

@Saeed Rasoulof: thanx

Mariana from waterloo, Canada

Great capture ! Super colors here, especially the green one . Cool shadows too .

10 May 2009 3:07pm

@Mariana: thanx

Ajay from Pune, India

I love the tone and the framing of this. A good representation of something serious.

10 May 2009 5:14pm

@Ajay: thanx

k@ from Paris, France

Love the shadow !

10 May 2009 6:24pm

mohammad.jenab from tehran, Iran

axe jalebi shode.mamnoon

10 May 2009 7:59pm

Onlymehdi from Wayne, United States

jalebeh khodesh istadeh, sayash nesahsteh

11 May 2009 2:57am

Amir from Tehran, Iran

عالي شده.انتخاب لحظه خوبي داشتي.سايه عالي افتاده.عكس فوقلاده هست.به خصوص وقتي آقاي ترابي داره مي خونه چه فضايي بوده.دمت گرم.

12 May 2009 4:23am

Canon EOS 50D
1/20 second
ISO 800
90 mm
