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Laylat al-Qadr 3

Posted by
amirreza (tehran, Iran) on 12 September 2009 in Lifestyle & Culture and Portfolio.

رشته تسبيح اگر بگسست معذورم بدار
دستم اندر دامن ساقي سيمين ساق بود
Laylat al-Qadr (Arabic: لیلة القدر‎) (also known as Shab-e-Qadr), basically the Night of Decree or Night of Measures, is the anniversary of two very important dates in Islam that occurred in the month of Ramadan. It is the anniversary of the night Muslims believe the first verses of the Qur'an were revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Muslims believe also that this night is when their fate in the following year is decided and hence pray for God all night long and pray for mercy and salvation. This practice is called Ehyaa (basically meaning "revival").
سبحه بر کف، ذکر بر لب، دل پر از شوق گناه.
معصیت را خنده می آید ز استغففار ما

Canon EOS 50D 1/25 second F/2.8 ISO 12800 120 mm

i would be glad if you can give me your opinion about my pictures on my photo blog
thanx for visiting;)
خوشحال ميشم اگه نظرتون رو در مورد عكس هام در فتو بلاگم بگید
ممنون از بازدیدتون;)

masoud from tehran, Iran

ثبت زیباییست ، پاینده باشید

12 Sep 2009 6:22am

zeinab from tehran, Iran

کار خوب و با احساسی شده
کنتراست خیلی خوبی داره و روشن بودن چهره سوژه معنای بیشتری به کار داده است
موفق و شاد باشید

12 Sep 2009 11:10am

k@ from Paris, France

Thanks for what you share and make us learn ~

12 Sep 2009 11:25am

don from spokane, United States

I like this portrait for its beautiful lighting which gives maximum attention to the boy's face. His serious demeanor fits the description of this important night. Well done.

12 Sep 2009 12:52pm

Onlymehdi from Wayne, United States

az in behtar ham misheh ?

12 Sep 2009 1:13pm

MARIANA from Waterloo, Canada

Great portrait ! Great light and BW !

12 Sep 2009 1:24pm

alireza from tehran, Iran

kheili ghashang shode.

12 Sep 2009 1:35pm

Mostafa from Tehran, Iran

aaali mese hamishe

12 Sep 2009 2:13pm

vahid from tehran, Iran

good job

12 Sep 2009 3:22pm

Canon EOS 50D
1/25 second
ISO 12800
120 mm
